Choro Trail 3d/2n

Cotapata National Park

Choro Trail 3d/2n

Pre Inca pavement from La Paz


This is a combined trek where you get to see both High Mountains and Cloud Forest. Starting from a high mountain pass (4.900) we’ll walk into the exuberant Jungle. On the first day you will walk all the way downhill. Second and third day will be in the Cloud forest. You will walk on Pre- Inca pavement most of the time.

Good for those planning to see the Rainforest & Pampas afterwards.



1st day.-

08:00 Meeting time at our office. 1:45 min drive to the pass 4.900m.

10.00 From the pass is all down-hill. Spectacular descent to the end of the Puna.

On this day we will walk from snow caped mountains to the head of the Cloud Forest. We will drop down 1700 m !

At the beginning is all arid, later we will be surrounded by green at the place where we’ll set up the campsite, nevertheless nights are cold. (total walk 5-6 hours)


2nd day.-

Just after 30 min walk you’ll be at 2.000 mts!  Amazing steaming jungle during the day will be your companion. 4 steep up hills and pristine waters.

It is going to be a hard day, that’s why we will start very early.

This night you will sleep at 1700 mts. (total walk 7 – 8 hrs)


3rd day.-

Now we will walk the last 3 hours all down hill to the end of the Pre-Inca Pavement, to the village El Chairo and have lunch, then we will have our last 3 hrs to Yolosita.(total walk 6 to 7 hours)

From Yolosita Police Check Post we will take a car to Coroico 30 min. Upon arrival at Coroico the guide will purchase the tickets back to La Paz. (3 hrs) on a public mini bus.


*Times for departures, meals and activities may vary as they depend on different factors. The guide will tell the group every morning about the day programme.



We can arrange non schedule departures with 2 days notice with two people minimum.


20 people max.  02 min. per group.


2 nights accommodation in tents, camping mattress, guide, meals 2 B – 3 L – 2 D, porters (only for equipment and food when there are more than 2 tourists).

transport La Paz–Cumbre(private)/ Yolosita–Coroico(public)/ Coroico–La Paz (public).


*Walking sticks, purification pills, *sleeping bag, water, *water bottle, drinks, cigarettes, snacks, entrance fee-30 Bs, camping fee 30 Bs, tips.

*Some items not included can be rented from our company.


Our guide will carry meals and tents when there are 1 or 2 tourists.

We include an extra porter for meals and tents every 2 other tourists. Bring only what is necessary as you will carry your own stuff plus the foam mattress.


Our guide is the cook at the same time.


Big meals are breakfast and dinner. We provide massive sandwiches for lunch though.


Veggie food is a step better than basic.


-You must bring only what is needed for the 3 day trek in a 35 lt. bag pack.

If you want to bring your big rucksack you must hire a porter for that at an extra cost.

– Weight limit for extra porter is 10kg. Extra porter: 25 USD per day   

However for this trek we can send your big rucksack to Coroico Village that is at the end of the trek. Our company organises delivery of your staff to Coroico for 50Bs per rucksack. 


Adequate trekking insurance is essential. If you don’t have one, you can purchase a “SHORT TERM INSURANCE FROM OUR COMPANY”